
Wednesday, June 12, 2013

visiting Auckland Hospital

yesterday I drove into Auckland Hospital to visit a friend. I parked in carpark B, followed the dotted blue line to the lifts and took it to the 9th floor - maternity and women's health. as I think back, I wish I had taken photos. its not that I have been there a huge number of times, because I haven't. but as I walked I found I was being hit with some very distinct memories. the visual reminders, the smells, the busy hustle and bustle...

of my frantic mother calling to tell me Grandma was gravely ill, of kicking and breaking my toe on my bathroom door in my panic to get to the hospital, and the painful limp through the corridors to make what would be my last visit while she was alive. and then returning that night to sit with her, my mother and my uncle after she had gone...

of being with my friend Kristen for each of her births. waiting for news on hospital seats that all was well after the emergency C-section with her first (I was in my first trimester with Hannah), waddling through corridors at 34wks pregnant with Isaiah to be with her when she was in labour with her number two, and again for number three (although I wasn't pregnant myself that time). the excitement and anticipation and nerves that come with each impending delivery...

and finally when I was in my friends room yesterday and took in the view over Park Road towards the med school, found myself thinking about one of my closest friends while at Akld Uni. He flatted for a bit in one of those old, decrepit, only for student, kind of flats. It reminded me of things that could have been and weren't, it reminded me of old friendships and experiences, of betrayal and love. I remembered how hurts heal in time and how forgiveness can be complete. it also made me long for re-connection once again...

quite a lot of emotion for Tuesday afternoon...

1 comment:

Susan Dominikovich said...

Sounds like there's a "to be continued..." on the end there. How intriguing! You know I love a good story. I wonder if more will unfold here one day.