
Tuesday, September 12, 2006

eating the apple & epidurals

So... I had part of a conversation a couple of days ago and would love to know what you think...

It went like this..

OTHER: "did you know epidurals take away all the pain so giving birth doesn't hurt"

ME: "yeah, but the pain has a purpose"

OTHER: "whatever, the pain is because adam and eve ate the apple"

the conversation continued with me giving my opinion of why I don't like epidurals as a standard form of pain relief. (don't do a knee jerk - I realise sometimes they are necessary...)

God intended birth to be pain free, (or at least different to how we experience it) but as a result of the fall, it is not. Therefore, is having an epidural (and therefore reduced labour pains, simply experiencing birth as God intended???

theres a thought...

1 comment:

Vania said...

I totally hear you.

We live in a society that expects the pain to be taken away. For all manner of things. To do things with the least amount of pain or effort or self sacrifice req'd. Why would peoples view of childbirth be any different.

The prevailing view seems to be that childbirth is something to be feared.

I believe with the right preparation, attitude and support, giving birth can be an incredibliy empowering experience. With the pain and all!